
Sunday, July 28, 2024

Prayer - The Only Way

Prayer is one way to lead ourselves to humility and to seek God's will in our lives.

Our lives are full of opportunities and tests. The only way to be led to what our soul needs and to reach our exact destination is through prayer.

I watched a YouTube video from Elder Uchtdorf about the art of walking in a straight line and learned something about prayer.

In our lives, if we only depend on ourselves, we will not go far on our journey.

Through proper guidance, we will learn more about Him and how we can reach our potential as sons and daughters of God.

Nowadays, individuals depend much more on themselves rather than on a Being who knows everything about us. Our loving Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ set something for us to follow and guide us in these perilous times. With prayer, we will come to know what we can do and how we will be led according to Their will.

With our Savior Jesus Christ, our lives will always have the opportunity to change, grow, and understand the will of God.

One of the best reasons I always attend church every Sunday is to learn more about my Savior. The lesson we discussed is related to this article and why I am writing it. During our Elders Quorum meeting, I felt the Spirit. It was amazing, and we discussed prayer.

During our discussion about prayer, Sister Porter shared about three types of prayer: prayer to know, prayer to grow, and prayer to show. I was edified and blessed by our shared thoughts on this matter.

Everything we have in our lives is confirmed through prayer. When we always pray to seek the will of God, we will be blessed with many things.

I have been blessed to know the truth about His Church. I have come to know that the Book of Mormon is true through sincere prayer. This leads me to believe that Joseph Smith Jr. is a prophet of God called by God in these latter days. The Church of Jesus Christ is a church that Christ established in these latter days.

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