
Sunday, July 26, 2020

Balangui Clan in Mankayan

After doing research on my father's ancestors I'm found something interesting on family history search that was provided by 

I've attached a record that was recorded in 1927 and I do believe this is important for my generation to come that they could know where they came from. 

I hope these names are usable to our genealogy as part of my research. 

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Aglamas -Sabelo - Saltin Clan from the Northern part of the Philippines

I'm a descendant of Aglamas Clan. I was working with our genealogical work from our Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) and I'm grateful that my parents still remember their forefathers. In this way, we can always preserve the names of these important people in our lives. Knowing where we come from, and where we are heading is one of the greatest treasures we could have in this life.

My grandfather Sabelo Aglamas father was Andiso which was married to Cal-osen. My mother had told me that our forefather uses only one name and their record might not be accurate since they don't have a formal education before.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

2020 Covid19 - Is there still for tomorrow

In the past month of February, we've heard the news about this virus infecting the people of China. They had shut down one of their major city Wohan, quarantine everyone and the government imposing everybody to stay at home. 

Last February we are still fine in Cebu and visited one of the best spots in Cebu called Tops Lookout.  There is where we took the pictures below. Anyway, Cebu is in normal operation but meanwhile, the media are talking about the virus that is taking lives in China.  I've noticed that if China is affected by this virus, then tourism will be affected too.  As I look on the 12th day of March 2020 the Philippines started to stop the incoming and outgoing flights in Manila and to some flight were also canceled here in Cebu. There once one time that an aircraft that comes from Wohan were not tolerated to come down from their aircraft but they need to go back to Wohan. 

With this situation, we were informed that we need to prepare for lockdown. We are glad that we had prepared some food for us that we can use for around 5 weeks. Manila is starting now to be infected with Covid19 and there are hundreds of them need medical assistance. Doctors and nurses are also vulnerable to this and some of them were infected and died especially with the older individuals. 

Cebu is still not on lockdown but we are vigilant on the matter. I still have a few guests that I need to cater to from our Tourism business but it did only last in the mid of March.  We were also informed that we need to be in quarantine, to stay at home.  

After a few days, we have heard that there are two doctors that died, but we still don't know if from the virus or not. They had informed us that these doctors died from Covid19 because the testing kit is already available here in Cebu. 

On March 30, 2020 Cebu City started to lockdown it borders. No one is allowed to go out and socialize with each other, keep a distance and commanded to stay at home. 

Now its already a month passed and still there are cases being found for this virus. At this time we were thinking that is there still for tomorrow? 

We have families to take care of and to provide, I hope that this pandemic that is infecting the human families will be over. Prayers and fasting were done but I think there is something more that God would want us to understand and to experience.

In this life, I've realized that life is a test. If we will do our best to be faithful to the covenant we have made with Him, then someday our hope for peace, safety, and happiness will come. 

Friday, March 6, 2020

Moalboal White Sand and Kawasan Falls Activity

The beauty of Moalboal white sand beach attracts many locals and tourists. Another reason to get back and enjoy the white sand, saltwater, and sun.

My wife and I had a quick plan to go to Moalboal, this will be good if we have our families and friends with us, we've informed our friends but fortunately, they still have work during holidays (We all know that BPO industry).  Anyway, only my brother-in-law family and my family we're the only one to be early to go to Moalboal. We use the Van since we're already 7 pax including the handsome baby that is with us, that is why we are lucky.

These are the pictures that we've taken during our trip.

When we arrive in Carcar City (the middle of our trip) and we've bought some fruits and Lechon. The famous affordable, yummy roasted pig (Lechon) in Cebu.

We continue our journey and stop by for a while in Barili. Another view before going down to the seaside of our trip.
This in Barili Town - Another stunning view for the ocean. Above this area is a highway of Barili.

We had arrive in Moalboal around 7:30am and luckily there are still few people who are there.
This is Moalboal white sand during February

My family Elai, Grace; Ate Rose, Matmat, Nico, Kuya Aldrin

We rented a cottage around Php1000.00 just to put our stuff and food, then sunk our body to the sand and seawater. I had enjoyed swimming nearby the cliff. There are corals and fish in the nearby cliff.

After lunch, we had decided to visit Kawasan Falls since Kuya Aldrin and Ate Rose didn't yet go to this amazing falls, it is a famous tourist destination in Cebu for waterfall and Canyoneering activities.

These are the photos we've taken in Kawasan falls.

Kawasan Falls

My two beautiful ladies (Elai and Grace)

Kuya Aldrin, Matmat, Ate Rose, Nico
We didn't swim in the falls due to a reason that they didn't want to get wet again. Maybe some other time if we will go back to this waterfall again.  We only took a lot of pictures.

Strongest man carrying a heavy load
Fresh coconut juice is available while you go to the falls
I hope you like our family trip last February 2020. If you're interested to go with us. Message down below. We will do more exploration, sharing and invite others to go with us.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Elaizah Flexible Body

In 2018 of March my daughter Elaizah's body is stretchable. If you will train your body then you can achieve something body can do.

Kia and Jayde Wedding

Another temple wedding was done on the 20th of December 2019.  Kia and Jayde decided to get married in a simple start, it started in the second quarter of 2019 where she is finding opportunities for work.  Kia stayed in Minglanilla where her work is located. At first, she struggles with her work until she ended working in a BPO at the IT park of Cebu. She goes to church and meets Jayde. Jayde is a simple man, no man's word, I think.

Last quarter of 2019, they had decided to get married through a covenant that would bind them into eternity.  Their belief was that marriage can last to eternity if they will do it in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Temple.

The pictures posted here are evidence of their love and willingness to submit themselves to each other.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Helpful Website for English Writing Tutorials

I'm grateful to be part of our Pathway program in the Church, we're we are taught to write descriptive content that can help readers in our write-ups.

This is a link that can help you learn about commas. 

Narrative Writing

Part of the Story

The essay should include all the part of the story.

1. Introduction
2. Plot - Sequence of Event
3. Characters
4. Setting or Location
5. Climax - focal point or central event
6. Conclusion

Purpose - The essay should have a clear focus. Think of your purpose as the thesis of the story.

Point of View - The reader should know who is talking about the story.

The reader should not be wondering about where and when of your story.  To indicate the place you can use the following: above, below, elsewhere, farther on, here, near, nearby, on the other side, opposite to, and there, or obviously, you can name the specific location where your story is going.

To indicate the time you can also use the following: after a while, after a while, afterward, as soon as, once, at that time, before, earlier, formerly, immediately, in the meantime, in the past, lately, later, now, shortly, since, so far, soon, then, thereafter, until, when. Or you can name the specific time: . . . by 2:00pm, near the end of 2011, ten minutes later.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Pathway Vocabulary

Listing all of the vocabularies that I need to use often.

Vocabularies in Pathway Basic Writing

2nd week:

prospective: expected
intuitively: naturally
swayed: influenced
parody: an imitation meant to be amusing and/or in mocking
shrilly: in a high-pitched, piercing tone
compelling: demanding and keeping one's attention
sustain - supporttaint - a taste of bad or undesired quality or substance
by hand - a person hand and not a machine

minuscule - extremely small; tiny

3rd week: 

hard-core - the most active, committed 
freak - a very unusual and unexpected event or situation
mania - excessive enthusiasm or desire; an obsession 
dandelion - a wide distributed weed of daisy flower

in the eye of the beholder - A person who is observing get to decide what is beautiful
as far as I am concerned - would indicate you're expressing your opinion about the matter being discussed. 
would knock themselves out - positive: make a great effort; negative: don't except yourself; it is not worth that much effort. 
kind of - rather
as you please - however, you wish; whatever you choose
gullet - a passage by which food passes from the mouth to the stomach; the esophagus
step aside - withdraw or resign from an important position or office
lacy - made of, resembling, or trimmed with lace
denizen - (Noun) an inhabitant or occupant for a particular place
hardly ever - (Phrase)very rarely
plumb - (Verb) measure (dept of the body of water); test an upright surface to determine the vertical.
furrow - (noun) a litter of pigs   
banish - (verb) send someone away from a country or place as an official punishment.
handy around the house  - good at house work
shrew - (noun) - a small insectivorous mammal resembling a mouse, with a long pointed snout and tiny eyes; a bad-tempered or aggressively assertive woman.
roiling - make (a liquid) turbid or muddy by disturbing the sediment.; make (someone) annoyed or irritated.
drawn up(phrase) - come to a halt
grizzled (adj) - having or streaked with gray hair.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

What is Plagiarism

2 Types of Plagiarism by BYU Idaho

Intentional Plagiarism - is the deliverate act of representing the words, ideas, or data of another as one's own without providing proper attribution to the author through quotation, reference, or footnote.

Inadvertent Plagiarism - Involves the inappropriate, but non-deliberate, use of another's words, ideas, or data without proper attribution.

When to cite: 
Cite any direct quotation, paraphrase, graphic, or summary
Other information to cite
Anything taken from a different source need to be cited. Other information include but not limited to graphics, pictures, music lyrics written by someone else or anything taken from another source.

Do not cite common knowledge
- Well-now facts
- Historical events
- Facts that are found in several places (Without citation)
- Folklore and myths

Avoiding Plagiarism
"Most cases of plagiarism can be avoided... by citing srouces. Simply acknowledging that certain material has been borrowed, and providing your audience with the information necessary to find that source, is usually enough to prevent plagiarism."

- do not forget quotation marks when using direct quotes
- double check your work and the original source for any possible borrowed phrases and missed citations
- cite anything that you aren't sure of, just to be safe
- use an informal, in-text citation if a citation style isn't specified: In his essay "The Pleasure of Eating," Wendell Berry argues that "The specialization of production induces specialization of consumption."

More info: