
Friday, March 6, 2020

Moalboal White Sand and Kawasan Falls Activity

The beauty of Moalboal white sand beach attracts many locals and tourists. Another reason to get back and enjoy the white sand, saltwater, and sun.

My wife and I had a quick plan to go to Moalboal, this will be good if we have our families and friends with us, we've informed our friends but fortunately, they still have work during holidays (We all know that BPO industry).  Anyway, only my brother-in-law family and my family we're the only one to be early to go to Moalboal. We use the Van since we're already 7 pax including the handsome baby that is with us, that is why we are lucky.

These are the pictures that we've taken during our trip.

When we arrive in Carcar City (the middle of our trip) and we've bought some fruits and Lechon. The famous affordable, yummy roasted pig (Lechon) in Cebu.

We continue our journey and stop by for a while in Barili. Another view before going down to the seaside of our trip.
This in Barili Town - Another stunning view for the ocean. Above this area is a highway of Barili.

We had arrive in Moalboal around 7:30am and luckily there are still few people who are there.
This is Moalboal white sand during February

My family Elai, Grace; Ate Rose, Matmat, Nico, Kuya Aldrin

We rented a cottage around Php1000.00 just to put our stuff and food, then sunk our body to the sand and seawater. I had enjoyed swimming nearby the cliff. There are corals and fish in the nearby cliff.

After lunch, we had decided to visit Kawasan Falls since Kuya Aldrin and Ate Rose didn't yet go to this amazing falls, it is a famous tourist destination in Cebu for waterfall and Canyoneering activities.

These are the photos we've taken in Kawasan falls.

Kawasan Falls

My two beautiful ladies (Elai and Grace)

Kuya Aldrin, Matmat, Ate Rose, Nico
We didn't swim in the falls due to a reason that they didn't want to get wet again. Maybe some other time if we will go back to this waterfall again.  We only took a lot of pictures.

Strongest man carrying a heavy load
Fresh coconut juice is available while you go to the falls
I hope you like our family trip last February 2020. If you're interested to go with us. Message down below. We will do more exploration, sharing and invite others to go with us.