
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Reading and Writing Techniques by Comparison

When you are making write up particularly to compare an object, persons, or places this is a simple guide to writing. It will help you create very useful information to your blog.

1. Topic sentence
2. General Statement
3. Specific Support
4. General Statement
5. Specific Support
6. Concluding Support

I have learn this in Quest 1 Chapter 6 through this I believe it will help me write a beautiful comparison articles.


These pictures show the difference of Tom Torlino when he was an Indian and when he went to white school. Tom Torlino is a young man and with a serious face but the similarity ends here. One picture tells us that Tom is living in Navajo where most of the Indian lives. He wears an Indian custom that has a sash, big rounded earrings and with a long, long hair. His clothing art design was good but untidy and doesn't look much presentable. While the other picture in contrast, it tells of a picture of Tom that is modernized. He wears a American suit that is presentable and tidy. Although these two pictures show only one person, however, it's quite confusing on the first glance, they seem to be two different persons. These two pictures show that sometimes we can easily judge what a person is by just looking at their clothes but clothing doesn't make the man, it is his character that does. According to Henry Ward Beecher, "Clothes and manners do not make a man; but when he is made, they greatly improve his appearance."

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