Setting goals will always be one of the important parts of our lives.
I've learned why setting goals are important because of this one copied story I've took in our church website.
Share the following journal entry of a farmer:
“Decided to cut hay. Started to harness up the horses and found that the harness was broken. I took it to the granary to repair it and noticed some empty sacks lying around. The sacks were a reminder that some potatoes in the cellar needed the sprouts removed. I went to the cellar to do the job and noticed that the room needed sweeping. I went to the house to get a broom and saw the wood box was empty. I went to the woodpile and noticed some ailing chickens. They were such sad-looking things that I decided to get some medicine for them. Since I was out of medicine, I jumped into the car and headed for the drugstore. On the way, I ran out of gas.”
What derailed the farmer from his goal to cut hay?
Why do we sometimes behave like the farmer?
What is a goal?
Why is it important to remain focused on a goal?
Why is it important to set goals?
How do we reach goals?
Share the following concepts, which can help us learn to set worthwhile goals:
A goal is an anticipated accomplishment.
The value of a goal helps determine its priority.
Prioritizing goals means to put them in a desired order.
A calendar helps us schedule all that we need to accomplish.
Most successful people set goals. Goal setting helps us plan and gives direction to our lives.
Write on the board Long-Range Goals, Intermediate Goals, Short-Range Goals, and Daily Tasks. Ask:
What do you consider to be long-range goals?
What do you consider to be intermediate goals?
What do you consider to be short-range goals?
What are some examples of daily tasks?
Long-Range Goals | Increase my skills for advancement in my employment. Be worthy of exaltation and becoming like my Heavenly Father. |
Intermediate Goals | Complete a year’s worth of courses in classes focused toward a degree or certification. Receive the temple ordinances. Serve in the kingdom. |
Short-Range Goals | Enroll in and complete a semester or quarter of classes toward a degree or certification. Pay tithing and offerings regularly. Be faithful in my home teaching or visiting teaching each month. |
Daily Tasks | Complete assignments for my next class. Read scriptures 30 minutes each morning. Pray morning and night. |