
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cebu Fine Dining for the Youth

This week I have a memorable and coolest experience I've ever done. This was held in our unique Chapel, I called it unique because this chapel was a part of the Cebu temple ground.

This is the story behind this activity... The young women president who is my wife and the young men president (Bro. Dean) together with their counselors planned to have a fine dining with the youth. It took few weeks to plan and prepare this activity. After it was planned, budget and schedules were set. It didn't take much money to do this because of the kind considerations of our brothers and sisters especially Divyne and Dean. I don't want to list them down here because I don't want to take more of your time reading. Probably you can just put a comment on this simple article if you want to add. Another thing that I would like to emphasize is that the youth leaders requested us, the Bishopric (Bishop Dan, Larry, Clifford and me),to be their waiters for the night. We were so exited because it was our first time to do this for the youth. You might see the picture below.

For us this was fun, we have served the youth the best we can.

This activity was cool and fun and I'm titling this activity to be the coolest "

Cebu Fine Dining for the Youth

" ever.