Ward Zumba Dance
We had a very wonderful night with our Zumba Dance activity in our Ward. This activity was led by Annie Reniva, one of our activity coordinators. Unintentionally when we started this activity some of the things we needed were not prepared. We didn't have any thing that was setup because it was not coordinated well. Good to know that bro. Labis didn't bring home the CPU of his desktop that I fixed. Actually at first I told him to bring that CPU in the church so we can probably use that in our activity later. Well, that inspiration indeed was good because we had used that CPU just to make that activity possible. Annie also expected a projector for that certain activity but we didn't have it at that time. The only thing we had setup was just the music the was needed for that activity. I thought to myself that activity would probably be an unsuccessful one because we were not so prepared but to my surprise we really did enjoy that activity and had a great fun.Zumba Dance Activity
This activity was held in Cebu City Temple Complex and it was started with a prayer around 7:30 in the evening. The introduction was given by Annie and she explained to us regarding Zumba which means you need to dance and move your body fast. I hope this is the correct term I've heard. :)

After the introduction of Annie our Bishop Dan Nuñez gave us a welcome remarks. Sorry I don't have any captured photo when he talked. :)
Now this is the final moment to learn how to dance Zumba but before that we had some entertainment which was presented by Dean our Dance Instructor and Encar Dalo our instructor in stretching our muscle.
This is the result of our Great Fun!!!!

This is the result of too much enjoyment...

Well because we really had a great fun now its time to eat something. Hopefully you will give thanks to Sis. Divine for preparing this simple food.
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